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EN Plus The perfect EV charging solution for private homes

We offer a range of electric vehicle charging solutions—chargers, software, and services. Our chargers are compatible with all EV models, powered by intelligent software or simple plug-and-play, and installed and serviced by certified professionals.

EN Plus
Flexible Home EV Charging
Cost Efficient
Cost Efficient
After paying for the installation, the electric bill’s charging cost will be lower than the public charging stations. Our household PV charging solution will also help reduce the electric bill.
Smart Operation
Smart Operation
Start & Stop charging your EV remotely, pay and view your charging data from our mobile app.
Flexible charge your EV anytime you want. Added bonus if the utility company where you live offers off-peak pricing – you can juice up when it costs the least.
A home EV charger could provide a more stable and safe charging environment to lengthen your EV's battery life.
EV Chargers Provide for Your Home
Smart operation! Track and manage your EV charging status remotely via EN Plus Evchargo software system.
We provide all-in-one services to ensure quick EV charge point installation and management.

Find your EV charging
solution in EN Plus

Please fill out the inquiry form. Our team will connect you asap.
